Published 4 years ago in Nepali Music


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"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time"...- Leo Tolstoy
Fighting with the both finally "THE AFTERMATH" is here with the new Nepali music video "AAROHAN "...
"Aarohan" THE CLIMB, is a song about struggles, challenges and the chaos we counter in the journey of life...

" Jewnalai sewnu parcha chyateko maan...
Parai ko bhir vitra khojnu hunna Afno pan....."

The song itself took a long journey to end up here today...
On this Auspicious Day of Diwali we are extremely excited to exhibit you all our music and our emotions through "Aarohan"...
We hope to receive love and support from you all and enjoy and feel the song as we did to create "Aarohan"...

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