Published 4 years ago in Nepali Music

Daiwik Ashish

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A song about all the aspirations, hopes and feelings a mother or a father would have, every time they see their child. Even though I wrote this for my son, it will hopefully resonate with all the parents who really push the limits to nurture their newborn.

Audio Credits:
Singer – Songwriter: Priyadarshi Baraily
Music Producer/ Guitar / Keys: Priyadarshi Baraily
Bass guitar: David Rai
Harmonica: Sher Bahadur Mudel (Sherey Da)
Drum and Percussion Arrangement: Rishi Raj Darnal
Acoustic Guitar and Vocal Recording: Suren Barmay (Sur Sharmila Music Creation, Darjeeling)
Mixing/Mastering: Suren Barmay (Sur Sharmila Music Creation, Darjeeling)

Album Art: Anurag Chettri

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